Nature Connection Immersion Experiences (forest therapy/ forest bathing)

Guided immersions in natural environments with the aim of improving mental and physical health whilst relaxing and enjoying the forest. This internationally recognized experience is gaining acknowledgement globally as an efficient and cost-effective natural medicine. 

What is forest bathing (forest therapy)?

Forest therapy is an evidence-based public health practice involving guided immersions in natural environments with the aim of improving mental and physical health whilst relaxing and enjoying the forest. This internationally recognized experience is gaining acknowledgement globally as an efficient and cost-effective natural medicine.

Where did it come from?

According to the World Health Organisation, stress is the health epidemic of the 21st century and is responsible for many forms of chronic illness. In the 1980’s, Japan recognised and sought out a new, affordable and effective way to combat stress. This was the beginning of Shinrin-yoku, roughly translated as ‘taking in the forest atmosphere’, or ‘forest immersion’. Three decades later, this researched practice has led to the development of the popular public health approach called Forest Therapy. It has become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to reduce stress, improve mental health, and connect with nature.

In forest therapy, the forest is both your therapist and your medicine. The forest therapy guide is simply there to lead you to reconnect to yourself and to your natural environment.

Due to its gentle approach, forest therapy is inclusive and therefore suitable for all members of the public, of all ages, including those with limited mobility.

What to expect in a forest therapy walk?.

Guided forest walks are appropriate for all ages, people with limited mobility, groups, events, team-building, families, students and more.

  • Walks are typically less than 1km and last for approximately 1h30.
  • Wear comfortable, weather appropriate clothing and shoes. Bring a hat, water bottle, snacks, sunscreen and mosquito repellent.

What are the benefits of Forest Bathing?

Mental health and wellbeing

You are invited to follow the prompts and invitations of your forest therapy guide. Engage in numerous activities that invite you to awaken your senses and attune to the environment.

Experience quiet, aware walking, whereby slowing down allows you to listen more deeply to yourself, the ground beneath you, your body, breath and thoughts. This, in turn, supports the calming of your nervous system.

Connect with elements along the way. Allow your guide to open your mind as you are prompted with questions and considerations. Engage in activities to connect not only with nature, but with your community as well. Participate as much or as little as you feel comfortable with.

Remember the experience is both gentle and profound. Your guide will facilitate and expand sensory awareness, inviting you to bond with nature in whichever way feels most comfortable for you. Generally, by the end of the walk you will feel relaxed, less-stressed, energized and connected.